Hammer Strength
Equipment Category
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:1141:"Two Tier Dumbbell Rack
Product Code FW-DR2
Footprint (D x W x H) 21" x 90" x 33" (metric cm: 53 x 229 x 84)
Recommended Live Area (D x W) 57" x 90" (metric cm: 145 x 229)
Machine Weight 200 lb (90.7 kg)
Max Capacity 1,400 lb (635 kg)/tier
Max Dumbbell Size 150 lb (68 kg)
Tiers Two-tier
Dumbbell Storage 10 pairs (5 per tier)
Dumbbell Type Round or 12-sided
Dumbbell Size Optimized for Dumbbells under 125 lb
Accessory Storage Optional accessory storage tray can be placed on the top tier
Two Tier XL Dumbbell Rack
Product Code FW-XLDR2
Footprint (D x W x H) 21 / TEXT
Equipment Type
Two Tier Dumbbell Rack
Model Number
200 lb (90.7 kg)
Max User Weight
1,400 lb (635 kg)/tier
21" x 90" x 33" (metric cm: 53 x 229 x 84)
In stock
30 Days Parts Only | Restrictions Apply | Sold In Working Order
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Add convenient, durable storage to your strength training facility with Hammer Strength Dumbbell Racks, offered in 6 unique designs:
Single Tier Dumbbell Rack & XL Dumbbell Rack - Storage for 5 pairs of dumbbells
Two Tier Dumbbell Rack & XL Dumbbell Rack - Storage for 10 pairs of dumbbells
Three Tier Dumbbell Rack & XL Dumbbell Rack - Storage for 15 pairs of dumbbells
The XL Dumbbell Racks are optimized for 125 lb - 200 lb dumbbells for elite-level athletics and training facilities.
The Two and Three Tier XL Dumbbell Racks allow the top storage rack can be designed with Accessory, Standard Dumbbell, or XL Dumbbell rack tray.
Optional: Floor bumpers.
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